core wholesale jewelry What does the gold plus one side form another word?

core wholesale jewelry What does the gold plus one side form another word?

7 thoughts on “core wholesale jewelry What does the gold plus one side form another word?”

  1. bracelet tubing wholesale jewelry supply "Gold" to form "崟" next to the characters.
    [Pronunciation]: yín
    [Interpretation]: Describes high towering.
    [group words]:
    1, rugged
    [Pronunciation]: qū yín
    [Interpretation]: Describe the mountains.
    [Pronunciation]: yín qīn

    [Interpretation]: Gao Jun.
    3, rock
    [Pronunciation]: yín yán

    [Interpretation]: Gao Jun.
    [Pronunciation]: yín jí
    [Interpretation]: High -dangerous mountain.
    [Pronunciation]: qīn yín

    [Interpretation]: tall; dangerous;

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    14 ū jūn, 14 鈭 zī,
    15 鋬 pàn, 15 鋈 wù,
    15 鋆 yún, 15 鋫 lí,
    15 銴 shì, 15 鋚 tiáo,
    15 銺 zàng 銺 zàng , 16 z zàn,
    16 鋻 jiān, 16 錖 dú,
    16 錅 lí, 16 錃 pī,
    16 錱 zhēn, 17 鍪 móu,
    17 鍙 hù, 17 鍳 jiàn,
    17 ā qiāo, 17 鍌 xiǎn,
    18 à ào, 18 鎏 liú,
    18 蓥 yíng, 18 鎜 pán,
    18 鎥 tiáo, 19 鏖 á n19 鐅 piě,
    19 19 錾 zàn,
    19 鏧 lóng, 19 鐆 suì,
    20 鐜 ī, 20 鐢 uu,
    21 鐾 bèi, 22 Ji Jiàn,
    22 qīng, 22 鑍 yīng,
    24 Xin xīn,

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